Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TED Talk

I was amazed.

This marking period I really have been kicking it into gear and this Talk really went to show the hard work I had put in.

My inspiration for  the talk began as I watched about 3 TED talks a night for all of spring break. That's about 20 talks. All of them had one huge element that I had never shown in a presentation before, something very simple. They all showed power and control of their ideas. The goal of my presentation was to own it; I wanted it to be mine.

I am imitating the O'Neill K. rubric

When running through the presentation at home I ran a little long most times (6-7 minutes), but when I present, I always end up leaving something out by accident. I would assume my presentation was over 5 minutes but not into the 6:30+ range.

Visual Components-
Since the rubric said for me to drive the presentation not the slides, I tried to limit my pictures and diagrams. I felt like the pictures and diagrams I used truly aided the presentation, but did not distract. Also, the videos I put in for my product could have been filmed a little bit smoother, but that wasn't me; I apologize.

I believe my content was strong and evenly balanced. I tried to let the crowd learn about fear just as much as snowboarding. I researched a lot including psychology, rotation dynamics, and snowboarding technique. There was definitely enough content given in my presentation, but I probably could have described things a little bit more.

As I've seen in multiple TED Talks, they speaker usually has a full circle ending. I liked this concept so I threw a full circle ending in with a chronological sequence of events. I feel as if this was the best way to build a little suspense whether I landed the 360 or not (and that is not open for debate).

I think my delivery went well. I always end up speeding my words when I present. I tried as hard as I could to depress that a little bit, and I think I did a good job. This project was a little bit different in that I actually had genuine emotion for the subject. I hope this showed through. Some emotions I felt I was displaying were confidence, fear, embarrassment, and a smidgen of cocky-ness. That's the way I am!

Following the TED Commandments-
Like a normal human, I may have not reached some commandments. I don't think I made anyone laugh or cry, but I did show my inner self. I showed my embarrassment and frustration as well as my happiness. My dream was pretty big; I want to rid the world of fear! Could you imagine how successful we would all be?! I also brought a tiny bit of another speakers talk into mine with Jeremy and the NIKE logo. I also didn't read my talk. I knew from the start I was not going to use note cards. I just looks unprofessional, and everyone knows: when you look good, you feel good, you play good (present well). I wrapped up the talk in a good amount of time and was ready for the one question I had so I think I did pretty well overall but could have been funnier.

To be completely honest this is the best project I have ever done. I loved the concept and the presentation. I believe deserve a 27.5/30, I hope I earned it.

1 comment:

  1. Nick,
    Your TED talk was the best piece of the whole project. I really that it wrapped up everything you have done and you conveyed it in a nice fashion to your viewers. Your presentation was funny at times but, I could tell you weren't intending on people laughing which is always the best. I did really like the visual aid you used immediately in your presentation. I thought the analogy was perfect and it helped better my understanding of what you were going through. I think it is interesting how nobody every truly understands the NIKE slogan. To most people it is just a slogan not some words to live by. If I used the NIKE slogan as my attitude I would've accomplished a lot more in my life so far. Great job Nick!
