Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Video Tutorials

One of the most common ways to learn any basic trick on a snowboard is through tutorial videos. Now, there are an abundance of them, so I have to pick and choose carefully, unless I want a 6-year-old telling me how to spin.

My favorite sources are TransWorld Snow and Sierra Snowboard.
TransWorld started out as a magazine, but it has evolved into making productions as well. They also have TransWorld skate, wake, and surf.
Sierra Snowboard is a professional YouTube channel that delves into tricks from a rider’s standpoint.

The first video I watched comes from TransWorld Snowboarding 20 Tricks Volume 5. Sage Kotsenburg hosts it. 

·      You don’t need a huge jump
·      Approach
o When you hit the bottom of the tranny, switch from your toes to a flat base
o   When you reach the lip you want to be a tiny bit on your heels, but not too much. You do not need a lot of set up carve for this.
·      Lift off
o   Pop THEN start to turn your board. This will prevent you from catching an edge
o   Pop off heels
o   Start with turning upper body then have your legs follow you in the air
o   Turn your head and look right underneath your shoulder
·      Landing
o   Spot landing at 270 degrees
o   Land toward your toes (if you land on your heels you’ll wash out)
·      Trick to the Trick
o   Make the takeoff perfect (don’t pre-spin or carve too hard)

The second video I consulted was TransWorld Snowboarding FunDuhMentals 20 Tricks. Pat Moore hosts it. 

·      Pick a small jump
o   Be comfortable with jump
o   Know the jump’s speed
·      Takeoff
o    Be on heel-side edge, but centered over board
o   Jump with the jump (don’t fight the force of the tranny)
o   Rotate shoulders at lip
·       In the air
o   Look over your shoulder
o   Commit through blind-spot; do not hesitate
o   Keep the board centered up under you until you see the landing
·      Landing
o   Stay relaxed!
·      Trick to the Trick
o   Keep turning your head


The third video I watched was Snowboard Trick Tips: Frontside 360 by Sierra Snowboard.


·      Approach 

o   Have enough speed to get to the sweet spot of the landing

o   Have a little bit of pre-wind in upper body

o   Take off from heel-edge


·      Takeoff

o   Extend legs

o   Square shoulders with board

o   Once you lock your core the spin will follow


·      In the air

o   Head and shoulders lead the rotation

o   Keep looking over the lead shoulder to score the rotation


·      Landing

o   Stare at your toe-edge


·      Trick to the Trick

o   DO NOT stare at the landing before you takeoff



My summary:

·      Pick a small jump that you have hit before


·      Approach

o   Keep your speed slightly on heel-edge


·      Takeoff

o   Rotate upper body before lower body


·      In the air

o   Keep looking over shoulder


·      Landing

o   Stomp the landing on toe-edge


·      My Trick to the Trick

o   Fully Commit.



  1. Nick, you've done a very good job of establishing your voice in your blog. I liked the opening sentences of this particular post. I also like how you organized your post. It is very easy to follow and pull main ideas from. I have been following your blog from the beginning and I look forward to seeing your final product!

  2. I agree with everything that Jeremy said in his comment. Your blog is very nice to look at, and the post was well done. I also must say that I am impressed with the amount on a single trick that there is. As a person who never got in to snow boarding, I never knew how in depth it can be to learn a single trick. Also, I am new to your blog, so I have a bit of a question. How are you going to present your skill to the class? Will you show a video or something of that sort to the class? Anyway, I am excited to see if you can "do the 3"!
